Monday, November 30, 2009

What's The Point of Time

What is time? Why do we always have to feel the pressure of time? Why do we use time to measure everything that we do?

I understand that time is the most realistic way of measuring your life and your "time" on earth, but why are we consumed with time? Aren't the activities in our daily lives more important than time? For example, is work really so trivial that you must say, "I am exhausted after this long 8 hour work day". I mean, 8 hours is a long "time" but is that really why we are tired? Did you accomplish what your boss wanted, what you wanted, or anything for that matter in the 8 hours you spent working?

So there it is, maybe we should measure what we do everyday by the accomplishments, the satisfactions, the victories, the losses, the gains we make, the advancements we make, the differences we make and so forth, as opposed to just the time we spent.

There is no point in using time to do things that you couldn't measure otherwise. What does that mean? It means, that if you go to work and at the end of the day all you could really say is, "I spent 8 hours at work today", then there is no point. Do something fulfilling, something that you feel proud of, something you can brag about at dinner with your family. Instead of bragging about the money you made from working so hard, brag about the positive changes you made from dedicating your "time" to something you found worthy.

Remember, your time is precious and unfortunately it is limited, don't let time pressure you. Use your time wisely, do things you love, then you will never measure what you have done by the time you spent, but by the enjoyment you had doing it.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What's the point of religion?

Many times when I am praying, or reading from the bible, or waking up early on Sunday to go to church, people ask me..."Why do you do that?". People don't understand the point of believing in something and that blows my mind sometimes. Maybe it is because I was raised in a family that always had faith that it was easy for me to get up and go to church and to go to weekly meetings to discuss faith.

But my answer to everyone is always the same, "You have to believe in something".

Here is why. If you believe in something, God for example, then you believe there is something better, you believe there is something greater. That type of belief needs to be in every one of our minds. If we can't develope that type of mindset then we can never acheive our full potential. You must believe in something greater in this world to believe in something greater in your life. And when that belief becomes a reality in your mind, so will your expectations on life.

Personally, I use my religion as a confidence. I know that no matter what I do I will have God at my side. That is what gives me my "go getter" mentality. I have never been afraid of trying something new (except for some of the food my mother used to put in front of me). There is no reason, because if I fail, I know God will guide me to make good from the situation. It will either be a successful experience or a learning experience, or both, but there is no such thing as a bad experience.

So I tell you, the point of religion, the point of believing in God or a god is the same concept of believing in yourself.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What's the point of joining?

In all of the organizations I am apart of, I see people who just don't commit themselves, people who don't exert themselves, people who don't share their opinions and people who simply don't do anything. And I have to ask, what's the point?

Why do people join organizations, play sports, go to class, go to college or do anything if they won't commit themselves. Put it this way... in one of the best life lessons I have ever received, a friend of mine's brother said to his younger brother (my friend) who had just failed a class, "Think about the time you have wasted, you attended a four hour class for ten weeks, that cost you forty hours of time. Then you did all or some of your work for that class, which we will say conservatively, is another hour each week, bringing your total up to fifty hours. That is fifty hours of your life wasted because you didn't care." My friend and I were both shocked at the reality of the comment, the silence sat in along with the truth of his statement. "What was the point of you ever going to that class, you should have never even gone because you just have to do it again".

This is a perfect example of my point, what is the point of joining. Why do we go to class if we aren't going to give our full effort? Why do we join organizations on campus or anywhere else if we don't intend to exert our efforts and share our opinions? The famous saying, "You get out, what you put in" is derived from this lesson. If you are going to do something, get it's full value, commit yourself. Don't be complacent, don't wait for people to tell you how it is gonna be, instead tell them how it is. Create your own success and give your full effort, otherwise just sit out and watch the people who are willing.